Saturday, 15 September 2012


Due to unexpected and unrecoverable problem my cannot be access by me any more. and sadly, i cannot post anything anymore. so i'm creating this new blog as a sequel from that blog and can happily post the lesson and activities for science year 5 topic again..
next topic is states of matter..
lots to be discussed..
can't wait..
till meet up later!

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Due to unexpected and unrecoverable problem my cannot be access by me any more. and sadly, i cannot post anything anymore. so i'm creating this new blog as a sequel from that blog and can happily post the lesson and activities for science year 5 topic again..
next topic is states of matter..
lots to be discussed..
can't wait..
till meet up later!

Monday, 10 September 2012

who am i?

I have hard scales and curl my body attack by enemy
saya mempunyai sisik keras dan menggulungkan badan apabila diserang musuh

i have a very hard and thick skin and i live with my big herd.
saya mempunyai kulit yang keras dan tebal. Saya hidup bersama kumpulan yang besar

I have many sharp spine on my body
saya mempunyai duri tajam pada badan

I have sharp claw to fight with my enemy
saya mempunyai kuku tajam untuk melawan musuh saya

when attacked, I run very fast with my slim, long and muscular leg
apabila diserang musuh, saya dapat berlari laju dengan kaki saya yang kurus,panjang dan berotot

I can attack back my enemy with my poisonous fang
saya boleh melawan semula musuh dengan taring beracun saya

with my sting, I also can hurt my enemy
saya juga boleh mencederakan musuh dengan sengat berbisa saya

I have a false eyes that make my enemy scared
saya ada mata palsu untuk menakutkan musuh

I use my sharp thorn to fight when my enemy attack me
saya menggunakan tanduk tajam untuk melawan semula musuh yang menyerang saya

My enemy will keeps away from me when I give off my bad smell
musuh akan menjauhkan diri apabila saya  mengeluarkan bau yang busuk

Enemy will not attack me because they think I am dead when I am pretending dead
musuh tidak akan menyerang kerana mereka sangka saya mati apabila saya berpura-pura mati

My black ink blinded my enemy will give me time to run away from enemy
dakwat hitam saya akan menghalang pandangan musuh dan membolehkan saya melarikan diri dari musuh

I will hide at safe place when enemy hunt me
saya akan bersembunyi apabila diburu musuh

I curling up my body to avoid being hurt by enemy
saya menggulungkan badan untuk mengelakkan diserang musuh

Enemy could not catch me because they will confused when I cut off my tail and they will catch the tail meanwhile i can run away
musuh tidak akan dapat menangkap saya kerana mereka akan keliru antara saya dengan ekor saya apabila saya  memutuskan ekor, lalu membolehkan saya melarikan diri

My skin can change to match surrounding when I am in danger so that enemy could not see me
kulit saya akan berubah mengikut warna persekitaran apabila saya dalam bahaya menyebabkan musuh tidak dapat melihat saya

animal protect themselves too!

how animal protect theselves?

1. playing dead
2. curling up

3. dropping their tail

4. squirting black ink

5. hide in hard shell

6. camouflage

can you think of any more?

Sunday, 9 September 2012

exercise-acid and alkaline topic

Jawab semua soalan dibawah

Sekumpulan pelajar menjalankan eksperimen terhadap 5 bahan diwah bagi menguji sifat bahan tersebut. Berikut merupakan keputusan ujikaji

perubahan warna kertas litmus merah
perubahan warna kertas litmus biru
sifat bahan
merah à merah
biru à merah

merah àbiru
biru àbiru

merah à biru
biru àbiru

merah à merah
biru à merah

merah à merah
biru à biru

     Lengkapkan jadual diatas dengan menyatakan sifat bahan yang diuji
2.   Nyatakan contoh bahan
i.                     p-___________________________
ii.                   r-___________________________
iii.                  t-___________________________

3.       apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

-  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Nyatakan pemboleh ubah
i.                     Dimanipulasikan-_________________________________
ii.                   Bergerak balas-___________________________________

5.       Ramalkan rasa bahan berikut
i.                     q-_______________________________________
ii.                   s-_______________________________________

6.       nyatakan kesimpulan ujikaji ini


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

let do some exercise.


a)      Name the sources of electricity shown above

i.                     P - .........................................................

ii.                   Q - .........................................................

iii.                  R - .........................................................

iv.                 S - ..........................................................
b)      Which sources of electricity is used in motorised vehicles?

c)       Which sources of electricity is used to light up bicycle lamp?


i)                    Name the component in the circuit and draw the symbol in the table






ii)      Draw  a circuit diagram to represent the electric circuit

1.       Name the circuit X and Y

i.                     X - ................................................................................................

ii.                   Y - ................................................................................................

2.       What is the difference in arrangement of the bulbs in those 2 circuit?


3.       Which circuit have brighter bulb?

4.       Describe the brightness of bulb when bulbs in circuit X if another bulb are added in the circuit?


5.       Draw circuit diagram to represent both X and Y circuit

Thursday, 30 August 2012

State Of Matter #1

Hye there ! Today I want to discuss with you all about Chapter 5 , State of Matter about Solid , Liquid & Gas . So , the matter exists in three states there are Solid , Liquid and Gas . Exampleof matter are tables , pens , wood , food , drinks and the air we breathe .

Example of solids are wood , glass , paper and stone . 

Example of liquids are water , kerosene , petrol , cooking oil and syrup . 

The shape of liquid changes . It takes the shape of its container . For your information , some liquids flows faster than milk , and milk flows faster than cooking oil .

Example of gases are the air we breathe , oxygen and carbon dioxide .

Sunday, 12 August 2012 you still remember?

see the video..what are the diet of the dinosaurs? about sid then?
can you distinguish? 
let me give you the clue..
the 3 animal's diet characteristic are carnivore, herbivore and omnivore.


carnivorous animal are animal that eat other animals or also called as meat-eater animal

 A carnivore is a predator because it has to find and catch its prey. 
Some carnivores, hunt in a group called a pack and some individually find their food alone
there is carnivorous mammals, birds, insect, fish but most reptile are carnivore
can you think of any any examples?
how about plant? there any carnivorous plant?


herbivorous animal eat plant only. they eat leaves, fruit, seed, shoot and all part of plant according to their preference. some of then graze at grass field, some just climb up and eat on tree and some just use their long neck. what are that long-neck animal?


omnivorous animal are animal that eat both plant and other animals. these diet's animals eat fruit, seed and then they also eat insect, fish. usually some mammals and birds are omnivore. we human eat all kind of food..does that fact make us as omnivorous?

so,now can you determine what diet of dinosaurs and sid?..are they carnivore, omnivore or herbivore? 

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

this is the sequel from yelloworangmagenta

Due to unexpected and unrecoverable problem my cannot be access by me any more. and sadly, i cannot post anything anymore. so i'm creating this new blog as a sequel from that blog and can happily post the lesson and activities for science year 5 topic again..
next topic is states of matter..
lots to be discussed..
can't wait..
till meet up later!