Wednesday, 5 September 2012

let do some exercise.


a)      Name the sources of electricity shown above

i.                     P - .........................................................

ii.                   Q - .........................................................

iii.                  R - .........................................................

iv.                 S - ..........................................................
b)      Which sources of electricity is used in motorised vehicles?

c)       Which sources of electricity is used to light up bicycle lamp?


i)                    Name the component in the circuit and draw the symbol in the table






ii)      Draw  a circuit diagram to represent the electric circuit

1.       Name the circuit X and Y

i.                     X - ................................................................................................

ii.                   Y - ................................................................................................

2.       What is the difference in arrangement of the bulbs in those 2 circuit?


3.       Which circuit have brighter bulb?

4.       Describe the brightness of bulb when bulbs in circuit X if another bulb are added in the circuit?


5.       Draw circuit diagram to represent both X and Y circuit

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